Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hack Windows..opening the Gates.

Who hacks windows?
Why to hack windows?

The answers of above questions can be...because i love to do crazy stuff that others don't dare.


(Create a back up of ur registery and run regedit ,what ever you are going to do, you are simply going to do it here only...)

1.Hover Speed up:- By default you may notice that there is a slight delay when   hovering your mouse over a Taskbar Thumbnail. Here is a neat registry hack that will allow you to speed it up. 
got to:-

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced and right-click to create a new DWORD and name it ExtendedUIHoverTime.

Now double-click on it and give it a Decimal value of “1” click OK, close out of Registry Editor, then logoff and back on for it to go into effect.

If u wanna slow it down just give it any value in place of 1...maybe 1000(millisecond),it will take dat much time.

2.When a install is their sleep and shutdown button button are replaced by install update button....wanna change it Follow me


Add a 32-bit DWORD value called NoAUAsDefaultShutdownOption with a value of 1. No reboot should be necessary.
Now our Sleep button should be back to the way it was, but if you wanted to use the Install Updates and Shut Down option, it’s still available via the shutdown menu.
This isn’t a bug, it’s a “feature” in Windows that is designed to let users trigger a crash dump for testing purposes. There’s even a whole Microsoft KB article on the subject.But who knows it just show off your ninja skills and convince people to switch to linux(tux).

the above link is for usb keyboards only..

Now right-click on the right-hand pane and add a new DWORD key named CrashOnCtrlScroll, giving it a value of 1.

Reboot your computer, and when it starts back up you can trigger the Blue Screen of Death by using the following keyboard shortcut:Hold on the right ctrl and hit scroll.What if u don't have a scroll key button on laptop then just try and change the "ctrlscroll part to any other thing like "ctrlEnter".if it works do tell me..........
The new Windows 7 taskbar’s Aero Peek feature, with the live thumbnails of every window, is awesome… but sometimes you just want to be able to click the taskbar button and have the last open window show up instead. Here’s a quick hack to make it work better.
To better understand the problem, imagine having nine windows of the same type open on your screen, but you are primarily working in just one of the windows at a time. So every time you want to switch back, you have to click the taskbar button, and then choose the one you are using from the list, which can be pretty annoying…

Now if you know your Windows 7 shortcuts, you’d know that you can simply hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the taskbar button, and the last window will show up. In fact, you can keep holding down the Ctrl key and keep clicking, and Windows will cycle through the open windows. It’s a useful shortcut, but hardly something you want to do every single time.
We’ll use a quick registry hack to make the normal click switch to the last open window—if you still want to see the thumbnail list, just hover your mouse over the button for half a second to see the full list.



 Create a new 32-bit DWORD value on the right hand side, give it the name LastActiveClick, and set the value to 1.Restart and experience it.

5.How to add any application to windows desktop right click background
Showing for notepad...
go to:- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell

create a new key underneath the shell key, the name of which is exactly what is going to show up on the desktop menu. Right-click on the “shell” key, and then choose New \ Key from the menu.Give the new key the name that you want to show up on the desktop context menu. For this example we’ll be using Notepad. If you want to assign an “Alt” key to this menu entry for quicker access, you can change the (Default) value on the right and put an & character in front of the key you want to use. For instance, if you wanted to be able to just use the N key to launch Notepad once the desktop context menu pops up.

Next you’ll need to create the command key that will actually hold the command used to launch the application. Right-click on the new Notepad key, and then choose New \ Key from the menu.Give this key the name “command” in lowercase.
To complete this step you’ll need the full path to the application that you want to launch. You can use Shift + Right-Click to get the Copy as Path menu item to find this more quickly.Note: of course, for Notepad you wouldn’t need the full path, but this is just an example.
Now click on “command” on the left side, and then double-click on the (Default) key in the right side to edit the string value.Paste in the full path to the executable that you got from the “Copy as Path” step above, or you can put in the full path yourself if you’d like.
Done Chk ur desktop right click now