Saturday, March 3, 2012

Virtual & Augmented Reality

Going by the literal meanings augmented means adding something more valuable to the already present thing and virtual means something that is not actually present. Both augmented reality and virtual reality offer layering of data but they are different as the environment you work into is real and synthetic while you are working with them. Virtual reality fabricates a whole new digitalized world around you starting from the very pixel, virtual reality is 100 percent digital while augmented reality is more a digital overlay onto the real world, it is the meeting of virtual reality and reality.
My concern here is which one is better ??
I tried Google insight and found augmented reality was on a rise as compared to virtual reality in a past few years since 2009. People all over the world are working more on augmented reality than virtual reality and with the boom of smart phones augmented reality has found a new platform of development.There are a number of applications of the same on iPhone and Android which help you see the world around you in a more meaningful and comprehensive way. Consider the SIXTH SENSE project, its ideals are keeping people away from the matrix like world and preventing them turning into machines. So i personally believe in the augmented reality scores over virtual reality. Haptic is another technology which has a great potential of bringing virtual objects feel real and a combination of augmented and haptic technology would be very productive.
That was my take on VR and AR . Do share what you think ?

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